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"What you do is just amazing. I like the way you incorporate morals into the class. That is so good. You have a real gift."

- Shirley Paine, mom


"People are amazed. Before my son was quiet and hidden... now he's a chatter monster! It's unbelievable; he is so much more confident and sure of himself."

- Kim Corn, mom


"My son's confidence and interpersonal skills have changed tremendously over the past year. Your school has played a crucial role in the improvement we have seen. Thank you, Sensei, for the attention to detail and the guidance that you have given my son."

Kirstin Mather, mom


"Growing up, I was lucky to have a good instructor and I wanted the same for my son. I've been to 7 or 8 other schools and the difference between them and Shotokan Karate Leadership School is enormous."

- Jeff Liggett, dad


"The changes my son have made in such a short time are very apparent. He shows great improvement in self-responsibility and respect. His demeanor prior to his exposure to Shotokan was to complain and look to the negative of everything. Now, with the teachings of Sensei Callahan, that attitude is already improving."

- James Parr, dad




"You have taught me discipline and honor, which have given me an advantage when interacting with my peers.  I cannot find the words to describe the attributes I have developed from your lessons, but these attributes give me confidence as I prepare to leave for college. Thank you for your assistance in my conditioned development."

- Benjamin Wright, student


"I have learned to focus more on one thing and not be distracted by outside things."

- Student, age 12


"I'm calling because I want to thank you for giving me the foundation for a wonderful life. The training I received from you ohas helped me in innumerable ways. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

- Student


"I have learned to recognize and establish community. This aspect can be found in my everyday living through subtle day to day conversations and personal relationships alike."

- Brett Stapleton, student


"I have learned to be a hard worker, more respectful of others, and more disciplined not just in karate but at home and school."

Logan Witthaus, student, age 8





Image by Thao Le Hoang


"First let me say how thankful I am for this porgram.  I have been a 6th grade teacher at Willowside School before coming over to homeschool. I have seen some awesome changes in individual students over the years thanks to your karate program and thanks to your school."

- Marsha Chevalier, 6th Grade Teacher

Willowside Elementary School


"I have always known what a powerful metaphor karate was for the rest of life. In its practice there are lessons that address all parts of one's physical and mental character.  The more you understand the metaphor, the more you understand the rest of your life. Returning to karate has reawakened my focus on what matters. To be a good father; I need both physical and mental strength, courage, spirit, the ability to persevere even when things get difficult, and a more sensitive type of awareness of both myself and of the world around me. Karate helps me with all these things.

The founder of Shotokan Krate, Gichin Funakoshi, made sure to include the world "Do" to the style he was creating, Shotokan Karate Do. "Do" is the Japanese form of the Chinese word, "Tao" or "way". Shotokan is not just a style that we study, it is a "way" or path to becoming better people."

- Nick Hoffman, SRJC Instructor

Image by Jess Bailey




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